Rabu, 20 Maret 2013


 Pemesanan herbal penyubur kandungan dengan rumput kebar dapat dilakukan dengan cara datang langsung ke :

Jl.Tanjung Gedong No.42 Rt.06/08
Grogol Jakarta Barat 11450
(Belakang Universitas Tarumanegara)

Atau dengan jasa pengiriman, dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan pembayaran ke
Cara pemesanan herbal penyubur kandungan
Sertakan tiga angka no terakhir hp anda saat melakukan trasfer, misalnya harga rumput kebar 2 ons Rp. 300.000,- dan no hp anda 081280396464 jadi jumlah yang ditransfer Rp.300.464,-

Setelah tranfer silakan konfirmasi pembayaran dan kirim alamat lengkap anda dengan sms.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Grasses Increase Fertility Reproductive Kebar

Rumput kebar asli penyubur kandungan dari papua

Tanah Papua is rich in natural diversity, including various kinds of medicinal herbs. After the red fruit, followed by grass Chebar. I have found no clinical trials, but many people believe this grass can help increase fertility in women.

Cases of infertility (infertility) according to the National Infertility Association in the U.S., 35 percent occur in women, 30 percent occur in men, 20 percent of the couples, and 10 percent have no known cause.

In addition to the medical way, often couples who want a baby coming to take non-medical or alternative treatment, one with the use of herbs. That being the talk about herbs to help increase the fertility of the lawn Chebar.
Immune system
Bush plants have Latin names Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch is mostly found in the District of Chebar, Manokwari, Papua. Therefore, the people of Papua claimed Papua as the true home turf Chebar. However, on a site written that plants that enter Oxalidaceae family is from Mali, West Africa.
Traditionally the people of Papua have been long used as a mouthwash Kebar grass to help with canker sores, as a result of a snakebite antidote, laxative for children, and fertilizer content.
In a report issued on the site Oxfordjournals Oxford University Press stated that the grass is the nation Mali has long been used to address various health problems associated with the immune system, such as joint pain, inflammation, fever, malaria, and heal wounds.

What exactly Kebar grass? In the country there is not much literature that can provide a complete picture of this shrub. One source text is the work of Agnes H. Noni Novita Imbiri, Franc Wanggai, and Rudi A. Maturbongs. The students at the University of Papua (Unipa) is writing about the ecology of grass Chebar (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) in the District of Chebar, Manokwari, Papua, as the true home of this grass.

Described in the text, have the appearance of grass Kebar reed plants. Dimulal spread from Africa, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, to the other islands in Indonesia, especially Papua.
The specificity of Chebar grass is grown only in the Chebar, the name of an existing district or districts in Manokwari. Kebar a mountainous region and the only way to get there is by plane pilot.
Regarding the content of its benefits as fertilizer, it has become common knowledge. Not surprisingly, Unipa conducted a study and the results are encouraging. From the results of these studies reported that the grass Kebar could be one alternative for women or couples who do not have children.
Thicken the uterine wall

Other scientific studies have been done on a limited scale by Drs. Sukarsono MSi., Lecturer at the Faculty of Science Teaching Muhammadiyah University, Malang. In addition to teaching, Sukarsono also active in various environmental activities. His introduction to the grass begins Kebar colleagues at the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Biodiversity).

A few years ago at the urging of his partner's, Sukarsono conduct field surveys to Papua and interested in studying grass Chebar. With its own funds Sukarsono and his team conducted the research with seaweed extract memberlkan Kebar to experimental animals, namely rats. Chebar cooking water grass (previously dried) was given as a drink for five male rats for two weeks.
By comparison the other five rats were given only fresh water. The result turned out to give a positive picture, the occurrence of significant thickening in the wall of the uterus or womb rats fed seaweed extract.

Thickening of the uterine wall is meant to assist the process of fertilization in the process of pregnancy. Because the uterine wall is thick and facilitate ease of sperm attached to the pregnancy.
Unfortunately, the results of this research has not followed up. Expected in the future there are other parties, especially the pharmaceutical industry, who are interested in developing the potential of grass into fitofarmaka Chebar.

In society, the empirical efficacy as a fertilizer Kebar grass has long used content. Current business and even native grasses Kebar Papua estimated in the tens of millions per year.
To get the grass is not easy Chebar, only available in the home herb or herbal store. However, be reminded Sukarsono, if not careful, on the market many are false. It is therefore advisable to buy the products directly imported from the region of origin.
If any friends or relatives who happen to visit to Papua, entrusted by the grass-only by Chebar.
Gathering Souvenirs

Like other areas in Indonesia, Papua also has a unique gift. If any friends or relatives who visited Papua, we can ask for a souvenir of batik cloth, koteka, noken bag, wooden sculptures typical of Asmat, sculpture honai (traditional house), or red fruit when interest in herbs.
Last year there is a new trend about a gift from Papua, especially if it is not grass Chebar. Therefore, do not be surprised if in Rendani Airport, Manowari, are sold at a price of grass Kebar 50 thousand dollars per small plastic bag. If you want cheaper, you can buy them at market prices Sanggeng Manowari the same, but to a large plastic bag.
Rumitkah concocting "a souvenir"?

Utilizing a mixture of grass Chebar is actually easy. For large doses, more than one drink, take Kebar dried grass taste, then boil until boiling. After that strain and chill.
For small size, such as a cup or glass, grass Chebar is brewed with boiling water to make tea. To be sweet, add honey to taste.

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